people for people, inc.
together, WE change lives!
800 N. Broad Street
Philadelphia, PA 19130
P: (215) 235-2340
F: (215) 235-8345
Hours of operation:
9 AM - 5 PM
May 2019 – Memorials
Dear Supporting Friend,
The same year I started playing for the Philadelphia Eagles the Memorial Golf Tournament opened with a purse of $40,000! Players make a lot more than we did in those days but I’m delighted to say that many athletes still seek to honor the things that make a person great beyond the field of play.
For 30 years I’ve tried to build upon the relationships I’ve made in sports to benefit the community in which I was privileged to play NFL football. It’s a legacy I love to share and invite others to support. I’ve poured my life into these two city blocks along North Broad Street and together WE have changed lives!
Many memorials here at PFP give tribute to your support like education and job creation. This year alone we celebrate our first graduating class, dozens of lives rescued at our HOPE pregnancy center and hundreds of DAD’s mentored. With all these efforts going on, its never a question of if you can help but which opportunity interests you the most?
Before you get away this summer I need you to do two things: First, plan to join me and my friends at our Annual Golf Classic to benefit the education of children in Chester https://herbluskgolffdcs.eventbrite.com. Second, join our Legacy Club#32 of monthly donors http://weblink.donorperfect.com/Club32. Golf Outings, Gala’s and banquets are all great fun but remember, I need monthly partners to add value and carry us over the finishline each year.
Finally, mark your fall calendar for our 30th Anniversary Gala, Thursday, November 14, 2019 when we will celebrate the legacy you have helped to establish through education, training and mentoring programs here at PFP. Plan to come and help me celebrate our legacy together!
Herb H. Lusk, II