people for people, inc.
together, WE change lives!
800 N. Broad Street
Philadelphia, PA 19130
P: (215) 235-2340
F: (215) 235-8345
Hours of operation:
9 AM - 5 PM
July, 2019
Dear Friends,
We’re half way through our 30th Anniversary Year and thankful more than ever for your support. July is the perfect time to celebrate the opportunities that you help to provide at People for People. We just graduated our first senior class of 16 students and already enrollment is up for next year. Our charter is capped at 540 students and we currently have a waiting list of 3,000 students! Let that number sink in and you’ll understand why I continue to say, there’s so much more to be done.
Our school embraces the opportunity of our nation’s spirit by incorporating entrepreneurship into everything we do. Studies show that students most often conform to their environment and as a result lack the opportunity to advance their thinking beyond just graduating or getting a job to consideration of career or other creative paths to success. The entrepreneurial spirit is part of our mission to change minds and “break the cycle of poverty.”
Now that our classrooms are empty for the summer we’re no less busy. We’ve gone to work preparing for next year, which includes repairs to facilities and planning meetings with teachers. These repairs and program updates all require additional resources to welcome nearly a thousand young men and women across our campuses in just a few weeks.
Any space not being updated is being used by ongoing programs like Project D.A.D., Hope Pregnancy Center and the Early Childhood Development Center. Some of our summer school programs include camps and extended school year -ESY program for more than 200 students. All these ongoing activities require additional resources to provide the opportunity for our students to learn and grow.
Additional summer programs keep another team of workers busy. Work Ready is mentoring 75 students from across Philadelphia, which “addresses the skills gap for vulnerable young people.” Youth Works will house 400 students on our campus from across the nation, who will “join local efforts addressing food insecurities within local neighborhoods.” While these opportunities are self-sustaining they put an increased demand on our facilities throughout the summer.
Now can you see why I wanted to celebrate our successes together? So much more is accomplished by your support. Together, WE change lives!
Our 3rd Annual Golf outing for my vision in Chester was a great success. I’ll send out a report on that next month along with RSVP info on our 30th Anniversary Gala – SAVE THE DATE Thursday, November 14. We will be celebrating 30 years of transforming lives through education. Advertising opportunities will be available for you or your business and table sponsors are the best way to bring your friends and celebrate what you’ve helped to accomplish.
Thank you for taking the time to read about the opportunities provided to the most vulnerable of greater Philadelphia through support of People For People. Please remember us in your prayers as I remember you and share this opportunity with others as you travel this summer.
Herb H. Lusk, II
PS My V.P. for Development can show you a great opportunity to turn PA tax dollars into student scholarships for our school in Chester, PA. Contact Jim Carroll 610-742-0202 or jcarroll@peopleforpeople.org for details.
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