people for people, inc.
together, WE change lives!
800 N. Broad Street
Philadelphia, PA 19130
P: (215) 235-2340
F: (215) 235-8345
Hours of operation:
9 AM - 5 PM
Episode 24: Feedback from a Past Participant
In the latest episode of Future, Fortune and Fatherhood, Percy is joined by a past participant to talk about his experience with the Project DAD program. He came to Project Dad almost a year ago, and on this episode, he tells us about what life looked like before joining the program, during and after. If there is a man in your life who would benefit from the program, share this episode with them.
“You go in thinking you’re getting certifications and what you find is an entire brotherhood. People like you, who can relate. Guys who had been through a lot. I went in a little angry, a lot rebellious. This experience is something I want to continue forever. It set me up to start my own marketing and advertising company.”
From resume help, to negotiating salary, suits for interviews, and financial advisers there is so much value within the program that sets you up for success. Not only are their great Dad’s but the women educators for the program, particularly Lisa, are so valuable and on your side.
If you have questions about the program, please get in touch. We can connect you with instructors, and participants to give you a better idea of the growth that is possible for you at Project D.A.D. Take the leap.