Together, WE Change Lives!

People for People

Bringing Transformation to North Central Philadelphia and Beyond

JBJ Soul


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Our Mission

The guiding mission of PFP is to break the vicious generational cycle of poverty in the lives of people by encouraging the development of personal responsibility, accountability, and self-reliance through education, using principles of faith, hope, and love.

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Welcome to people for people, inc.

Founded on a vision of bringing transformation to North Central Philadelphia and beyond.

Our Charter

The underlying purpose of The People for People Charter School is to equip students with a challenging educational experience in which the fundamentals of entrepreneurship are a primary focus. Economic, community and career education are being integrated into all subject areas in each grade.

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Business & Entrepreneurship

Pastor Lusk founded PFP on the principles of business and entrepreneurship. Want to explore an entrepreneurial venture together? We speak social entrepreneurism!


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